Cannes Lions

The Minefields Honey Project



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Case Film
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53% of Ukraine’s economy depends on food and agricultural exports. Today, landmines occupy 30% of our land, which is twice the size of Portugal. In early 2023, the World Food Programme estimated that around 11 million people in Ukraine were facing food insecurity. The conflict has had a devastating impact on food systems in Ukraine and created general insecurity around food production and distribution. Landmine issue causes fewer crops, less money, and not enough food. More specifically, most civilian landmine casualties in Ukraine have occurred during agricultural work such as farming or forestry. Without global assistance, it will take decades to make it safe. Countless agricultural fields remain dangerous. People can’t work there properly and safely.


The Minefields Honey Project - the magic mix of nature and tech helps us to create a product that never meant to exist by turning unsafe areas into flourishing gardens for symbolic honey making.

Personnel limited edition jars with details about our issue became a diplomatic tool and were given directly to influential people. The harvested honey became an invitation to fundraising events for Ukraine’s demining.


Ukrainian government reports that approximately 174,000 km2 of country's territory may need demining. This constitutes nearly a third of Ukraine's total area. The World Bank estimates the total cost of Ukraine's demining efforts is about $38 billion. Given this challenge's scale, Kyiv cannot fund it independently and is therefore seeking help. It has intensified efforts to secure equipment, personnel, and financial support from international partners.

No one project can fully solve this issue alone, but we initiated one to assist our state &agricultural sector in addressing it.

We've created a unique product, honey harvested from mined fields with the aid of technology and nature. This product, which symbolizes Ukraine's resilience and hope, was never intended to exist.

Honey was introduced at international forums to raise awareness and funds for demining efforts. Limited-edition jars were sent directly by diplomats and ambassadors to individuals capable of making a difference in our situation.


This is innovative project - the blend of nature and technology. These fields is insafe, so we used drones. It sprayed nourishing substances from the air and scattered a mixture of honey-producing plant seeds. Unique beehives were designed. One side welcomes bees – the other warns humans to stay away with a Mine Zone Awareness Symbol.

Once the plants sprout, we installed beehives in a safe location and let the bees work. . And since bees collect honey as far as 2 miles away from the hive, it allowed them to cover huge areas that no one else would be able to use.

Then were created and designed a special brand The Minefields Honey. The jars with honey became a direct message and a reminder of this problem. It was distributed by diplomats among officials and politicians who can help us with humanitarian demining.


Personnel limited edition jars with details about our issue became a diplomatic tool and were given directly to influential people. The honey harvested will serve as an invitation to a fundraising event for Ukraine's humanitarian demining, taking place in Geneva in October 2024.

The first 55 personnel jars were presented at special economical events such as World Economic Forum (Davos), USA-Ukraine Partnership Forum (Washington D.C.) and were given to influential people by Ukrainian diplomats. For now, the project has resulted into:

+ 175m of impressions worldwide

+ 517 of media headlines with free media budget

These are just the visible public outcomes, as much of the diplomatic work happens behind the scenes of events or one-on-one (thus, not all diplomatic work results can be quantified in numbers or published as photos). The Minefields Honey plays its role in diplomatic communication, serving as a tool of indirect cultural diplomacy.