Cannes Lions

The Mosquito Killer Billboard

NBS, Rio De Janeiro / POSTERSCOPE / 2016


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Digital Proof JPG
Demo Film






We created a billboard powered with technology to attract and kill the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

As these panels already exist throughout the city, we picked those that match the major zika outbreaks.

These mosquitoes fly around 4 feet high, so this media becomes a perfect trap.

The entire project technology was made available in a website, under a Creative Commons agreement, so any city in Brazil or in the world can replicate it.

A simple media found everywhere around the globe, now, can be turned into a disease control weapon.


The epidemic has outbreaks spread throughout the city. But so do billboards. With that in mind, we chose the ones located in the worst zones and equipped them with technology to attract and kill the mosquito.

And as the Aedes flies up to 4 feet high, this media was a perfect match for a trap.

We also decided to make the billboard white, using letterpress for the copy. This way people could see the mosquitoes trapped inside, proving the mechanism works.

To amplify the power of our invention, we made it available online for free under a Creative Commons agreement. This way, any person or company can reproduce it in their own region, gaining a significant scale.


The invention was success for both, the population and for Posterscope.

Our enhanced billboard kills 200 mosquitoes a day. Almost 6000 were dead in the first 5 days.

The project caught the news attention. It was featured on CNN, BBC, Newsweek, Discovery, Wired, Fortune, Fast Company, The Telegraph, Daily Mail and many other important TV shows and publications. 4 As it's a worldwide health issue, the governments from 4 other countries have shown interest in implementing the project. not to mention the amount of ordinary people who are downloading the project and adapting it to their local reality. The technology documentation was downloaded over 10.000 times in two weeks. And even though the project is availabe for free, Posterscope is receiving hundreds of requests to aid on the project replication.

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