Cannes Lions

The Next Anything


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While the B2B category as a whole historically doesn’t dabble in emotive advertising, ADP’s HCM category rarely does. HCM’s advertising space is typically more rational and educational in nature due to the complexities of their business. However, in 2023, we saw more brands in that space trying their hand in emotive advertising. We even saw one competitor showcase their emotive work in the 2023 Super Bowl, pushing the category to do the same.

Not only did we want to evolve the type of creative work seen in this category, but we also had a mission to continue to drive the evolved perception we want to achieve for the brand: from “massive payroll provider” to a business’s ideal partner for wholistically managing their people as their greatest resource and asset.


The pandemic instantly changed the world of work and sent companies scrambling to adapt. From empty offices to the rise of videoconferencing and yes, even the brief toilet paper shortage, everything impacted the way work, works. To help businesses and their HR departments navigate the unknown, ADP designs forward thinking solutions for what could happen. This campaign explores the next potential “anythings” that could change everything.


Our audience is left-brained certainty seekers – from business owners and HR leaders to heads of finance and IT. Decision-makers who are navigating a world that’s in a constant state of disruption, where they’re responsible for making decisions that impact their business and the people who work for it.

Our brains are not built for uncertainty. When we’re put in unpredictable or unfamiliar situations, we immediately become physically and emotionally compromised: our memories get worse, stress and anxiety skyrocket, our fight / flight / freeze instinct activates, and we worry instead of acting. No matter how determined we are to seize an opportunity or thrive amidst change, uncertainty always has the upper hand to stop us dead in our tracks.

Our strategy was to show that in a world of work where the only guarantee is constant change and fundamental unpredictability, ADP gives you the ultimate unfair advantage: Certainty.


In this film, we explore what would happen in the workplace if a solar flare suddenly gave us a 25-hour day. We explore how that one extra hour could bring about increased solar stocks, extended lunch breaks, company-wide power naps, and new challenges with overtime hours – all in a humorous and relatable manner. We show that when anything can happen in the world of work, ADP remains a constant, trusted partner through any shifting landscape.

This fully integrated campaign was launched on a national scale by way of video, social, audio, & digital assets. The campaign was launched on a prime-time college football program in October 2023 and will run through Spring/Early Summer 2024.


These are preliminary results and encompass the first 6-weeks of the flight. We will have a full readout at a later date.

Business Challenges:

• Continue to evolve brand perception from a payroll provider to tech-forward business partner


• Lay the strategic groundwork to reinforce ADPs emotional connection with HR decision-makers

• Increase unaided awareness and other brand metrics


• Positive lifts across Familiarity (+7pts), Ad Awareness (+4pts) and Favorability (+5pts) within the first 6 weeks of the FY24 Brand Campaign

• We have seen positive momentum in unaided brand awareness through first 6 weeks of activity

• There has also been a positive shift in brand perception metrics which indicates creative is resonating

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