Cannes Lions

«The Perfect Shot»


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Case Film
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ST has focused on various campaigns on YouTube over the past eleven months to reach an entirely new audience. This audience is seeking entertaining content online and also uses it as inspiration for choosing future travel destinations.


The idea of awarding the prize for the perfect photo of Switzerland through the 3-shots challenge is a fascinating way to involve influencers from different parts of the world and challenge their creativity. Being limited to just three shots forces content creators to think carefully about their compositions and get the best out of each shot. This challenge not only tests their photographic skills, but also their ability to convey a story or message with limited resources. It also provides an interesting dynamic as each influencer can bring their own personality and aesthetic preferences to their work. Emphasizing the authenticity and uniqueness of the content is also crucial. By allowing content creators to realize their own visions, they can ensure that their messages are clear and consistent.


Direct interaction with the influencer's community also allows them to receive valuable feedback and adapt their content accordingly. Overall, this type of challenge not only provides a platform for creative expression, but also an opportunity for influencers to build their brand and develop an engaged following. It encourages a diverse and personal perspective on the topic and contributes to the dynamism of digital content.


"The Perfect Shot" is a journey through Switzerland, its nature, culture, and population. While following the adventures of content creators Siddhartha Joshi (India), Sean Dalton (USA), James Popsys (UK), and Lizzie Peirce (Canada), viewers discover the beauty and diversity of both well-known and lesser-known aspects of Switzerland from the perspective of these four charismatic individuals. The series adds an extra layer of excitement as the protagonists face creative challenges during their journey and mission to capture the perfect image: How does one capture the Matterhorn, without showing the mountain's unmistakable silhouette directly? How does one achieve the perfect photo in a Swiss city when only allowed to press the shutter three times? How does one navigate when Google must be replaced by insights from the local population? At the end of the five-part series, the winner receives a honor: Their winning shot will be displayed at Times Square in NY.


Switzerland Tourism (ST) achieved a new milestone in 2023: The official YouTube channel of Switzerland's national tourism marketing organization has surpassed the impressive mark of over 100,000 subscribers – a significant leap of 86% compared to the end of 2022. This success is the result of a combination of entertaining, high-quality content and a renewed marketing strategy. Over the past eleven months, ST has focused on various campaigns on YouTube to reach an entirely new audience. This audience seeks entertaining content online and then uses it as inspiration for choosing future travel destinations. The latest example of this strategy is the five-part series "The Perfect Shot," conceived and produced by the agency in Zurich.

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