
The Peugeot Salon

O.P.EN, Paris / PEUGEOT / 2022

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After a 4 year break THE PARIS MOTORSHOW is back... and so is PEUGEOT with a show-stopping stand. Eyes will be drawn to the fully rotational ‘sphere’ which displays every angle of the 408, the alluring 9X8 Hypercar... and more.

It all makes a perfect spectacle for Parisians, but what about those who can’t make the trip?


Le Salon Peugeot: an immersive 3D website, optimised for mobile which enables everyone to explore the PEUGEOT stand in glorious simulation.


Our project is part of an increasingly digital customer journey (70% of Peugeot’s online traffic is via mobile). This immersive experience reinforces product discovery at the top of the conversion funnel, between product campaigns and the brand webstore.


After a 4 year break THE PARIS MOTORSHOW is back... and so is PEUGEOT with a show-stopping stand. Eyes will be drawn to the fully rotational ‘sphere’ which displays every angle of the 408, the alluring 9X8 Hypercar... and more.

It all makes a perfect spectacle for Parisians, but what about those who can’t make the trip?

Introducing Le Salon Peugeot, an immersive 3D website which enables everyone to explore the full PEUGEOT range. It’s organised into four different halls: the Hall of Innovation which hosts the Sphere that visitors can rotate to discover 408’s every angle, the Hall of Electric, where you can discover Peugeot’s e-solutions, the Hall of Sport which showcases Peugeot Sport Engineering’s phenomenal 9X8 Hypercar. And finally, the Range Hall, with the latest Peugeot vehicles.

On each car, clickable information points offer access to deeper levels of content.

Peugeot set themselves the challenge of creating an immersive experience with stunning virtual environments and realistic looking cars – without the hassle of an app download.

To achieve this, Web GL was selected as the programming technology best capable of rendering 3D stages and car models in real time. A range of software was used to optimise the number of polygons on each 3D model, as well as managing texture and lighting effects with buttery smooth efficiency.

So, whether you come to Paris or connect from Marseille, Amsterdam or Berlin, you’ll be inspired by your Le Salon Peugeot experience.


Limited results are available at these early stages of the experience being live. However, the results we do have are very promising. Firstly, the user experience itself is buttery smooth. Secondly, we are pleased to report an impressive average brand engagement duration of seven minutes.

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