Cannes Lions

The Pirates of the High Fees


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The big 4 banks of Oz were taking people’s money as they sent it overseas so we somewhat bravely painted them as pirates!

‘Beware The Pirates of the High Fees’ became the campaign call to arms.

Each bank had their own insignia and colours representing that well known bank so every Australian was left in no doubt who they were. Through striking digital painted CG illustration and novel art direction we brought our Pirates to life.

OOH tactical posters right were placed outside the relevant banks. So the Commie execution was seen outside Commonwealth Bank for example. As well as animated digital posters at major train stations, lifts and office lobbies throughout the CBD.

Various online and retargeting banners and a fully themed World First treasure microsite allowed viewers to stick it to the pirates and keep hold of more of their money. We even branded our own 18th century pirate


Contextual media was booked right outside of banks. The Commie pirate OOH execution was situated outside Commonwealth banks, El Paco was outside WestPac etc. Throughout Sydney and Sydney CBD, from train stations to high streets we showcased our pirates and their different messages from ‘keeping hold of more of your gold’ to not giving them the ‘pleasure of your treasure’.

Display and re targeting animated banners were used to showcase the attention grabbing creative and we kept the theme true in the microsite. eDMs and DM carried our message.

To top it off we had the main sails of a huge replica 18th century tall ship painted with our Pirates artwork. Staff and press were invited for a voyage around Sydney harbour where onlookers from bridges, boats and the Sydney shoreline could view our pirates message.


The Pirates of the High Fees put World First firmly on the map. The campaign had a huge impact and landed on the shores of Sydney with a bang.

• $ 2,700,000 transferred in campaign period

• Currency (measured in $AU) transferred in the campaign period represented a dramatic increase of 68% on the same period last year.

• Registrations to World First, (people going through the entire sign up process) increased by 150% from the campaign URL

• The bespoke themed campaign landing page saw 80,000 visits! A 45% increase on normal traffic

• Branded Google searches up 42% during the campaign period, and this level has been maintained

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2018, ANZ BANK

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