Cannes Lions

The Power of a Fragrance



1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image






Humor has historically been one of Lynx's strongest assets. However, over the last decade, that message has gradually become diluted and flat. A change was necessary to regain entertainment value and to be attractive, especially for our main target: Gen Z boys.

The brand needed a campaign in line with its personality: young, irreverent, with a rule-breaking spirit. It was necessary to communicate in a simple and unequivocal way how great Lynx fragrances smell.


Humor has historically been one of Axe's strongest assets. However, over the last decade, that message has gradually become diluted and flat. A change was necessary to regain entertainment value and to be attractive, especially for our main target: Gen Z boys.

The brand needed a campaign in line with its personality: young, irreverent, with a rule-breaking spirit. It was necessary to communicate in a simple and unequivocal way how great Lynx fragrances smell.


We wanted to create something cheeky, funny, bold. An execution that came close to the line of what's acceptable without crossing it.

Our aim was to change consumers' brand perception to a fresher idea of AXE fragrances. Talk about attraction, but from a new perspective more appealing to Gen Z, while still understandable to everyone.


The key was to be funny. We're talking about entertainment; we didn't want to depict real situations of Gen Z. We're tired of ads trying to replicate reality, which is a reality no one quite understands anyway. We wanted to make humor, so we looked for situations where comedy could flourish, where the last thing you'd expect is a situation of attraction. The result of this style is the Goldsteins seeking authenticity in every step of the process, the locations, casting, wardrobe, music, and we followed them enthusiastically. It was one of those times when you realize that the more freedom you give, the better the result.


Once the campaign aired in the UK, Firefish conducted a post-test in 2024 with both men and women, yielding positive results.

Instead of receiving a 99% positive opinion, which would indicate a lack of emotional impact, the response to the ad was split almost 50/50, with around half of the sample finding it genuinely funny, while the remainder did not.

This response was replicated among both the male and female samples, with similar levels of likes and dislikes across the two audiences.

Those who found the advert funny often considered it very amusing, believing it would stand out and be memorable."