Cannes Lions

The Price of Equality



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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In the economic and banking language there’s a very common term used and understand by every single person, Exchange Rate a term that explains the price of one currency compared to another just like the wage gap but with men and women.

Is here where the idea Price of Equality was born, if in Peru men and women have a different value in the labour market, Scotiabank compensated it in that day to all their women clients with a 29.2% discount in every associate business. So in the context of International Women’s Day all their clients live the way the should live everyday and generate awareness of the huge gap women face in their works.

As part of the activation experience we printed the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in Peruvian Currency Soles with faces of women that worth 29.2% less.


Price of Equality idea was develop for the International Women’s Day 2018 to make the idea powerful and relevant to all or female clients and the general population partnerships with our affiliate stores, understanding through their consumption who and where were the stores our women clients usually use Scotiabank cards and surprised them on that they that the prices in that stores where 29,2% less as a compensation for wage gap in Peru. As we have only $20,000 dollars of budget, bank branches were used as medium, the equivalent of $500,000 dollars in local currency whose value was 29,2% were delivered in the branches to the client to maximize awareness of the problem. Then the social media channels from Scotiabank and a series of influencers help us spread the word.


With just $20,000 dollars the results were huge:

- More than 7 Million people impact with the idea

- Our audience engage with the idea so much that the shares of the idea where 1.600 more than the main competitors banks.

- The use of Scotiabank cards for purchase grew 95% more.

- The average ticket increased in 61%

- And last but not least on that day the congress approved a law that prohibited wage discrimination between men and women.

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