Cannes Lions


CP+B, Copenhagen / CP+B / 2015

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CP+B is a well-known agency around the world. However when we opened the CP+B office in Copenhagen, we quickly learned that the CP+B brand is not well known among marketers in Denmark. The CP+B mission is “to build the most talked about brands in the world.” We wanted to showcase how we work by making ourselves famous for what we are great at: Using creative thinking to build brands. And we started by building our own.

Recent studies from the University of Chicago have proven that when reaching an alcohol level of exactly 0.075%, the average person produces the most creative thinking. This gave us an idea for a new creative tool: The Problem Solver – a beer brewed to take you to your creative peak. A scale on the bottle tells you exactly how much to drink, depending on your gender and weight, to reach the magical 0.075%.

As soon as the beer was brewed, we sent it to influential sites and trend magazines with a media kit of photos and research material. Broad media around the world picked up on the story, and the conversation exploded. In the Huffington Post alone, the story was shared and liked by more than 180,000 people. From there, the idea traveled through retail, food and beer sites.

With an idea and only the cost of 500 bottles of beer, we managed to spread the word about CP+B Copenhagen and showcase our ability to solve business problems in creative and innovative ways.


Broad media around the world picked up on the story, and the conversation exploded. On Huffington Post alone the story was shared and liked by more than 180.000 people. From here the idea travelled through retail, food and beer sites.

Suddenly Super Market’s around the world started calling us, and the beer was then put into a larger scale production, in order for it to get out on the store shelves. Today the beer is a media on its own showcasing CP+B Copenhagen.


CP+B Copenhagen was mentioned in 300+ media outlets (general and marketing media) around the world. In the Huffington Post alone, the story was shared and liked by more than 180,000 people. We got a lot of attention in the local Danish press, and clients started inviting us to pitches and briefing sessions. The results so far are new client relationships with some of the biggest brands in the world, including, for example, Carlsberg. All from a great idea and 500 bottles of beer.

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