Cannes Lions

The Secret Lives of Animals

THE COMMUNITY, Miami / PETA / 2020


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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PETA’s main goal is to stop animal cruelty. We all know where leather comes from and what nuggets are made of, but it’s way easier to keep thinking that animals still live happily and freely than face the reality. This campaign needed to break that mental barrier and remind people of the horror animals face.


Nowadays, a world where pigs go “oink” running free in the farm, ducks go “quack” following their mom, and cow goes “moo” in the meadow, exists only in our minds. We thought it was time to uncover reality by launching the first book that shows how animals really live today. No more fairy tales and sweetened sounds, just reality.


Animal sounds and fairy tales are one of the first things we learnt in life. But what if they are all wrong? We keep thinking animals live free and happy because that’s what we learned.

To educate next generations in treating animals differently we had to make today’s parents aware of the reality of animals, to make them un-learn what they learned many years ago.

This book, in its online and printed version, has the objective of opening the eyes of parents just by telling them the shocking truth.


The Secret Lives of Animals may look like an average children sound book. But don’t judge a book by its cover.

Six powerful and shocking tales, with nursery rhymes and sweet pastel illustrations, expose true facts regarding animal cruelty.

A white bunny skinned alive for a coat, pigs being slaughtered for bacon, mice planning their escape from a medical lab, among others. Alongside the stories, are audio clips that convey the horrors that animals endure today.

*All the sounds, as brutal as real, have been recorded undercover by Peta activists at industrial farms, aquariums, laboratories and hunting ranches.


We promoted the book organically, through press and social platforms, for a total media spend of $0. And the results exceeded the expectations. Those $0 turned into 10 million media impression. And most importantly, into starting a serious conversation about animal cruelty.

First printed edition of the book went sold out in weeks, and to date, over 40000 people have read and heard these eye-opening stories.

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