Cannes Lions

The sliced-up screen / WMF knives dominate the advertising block

MEDIAPLUS, Munchen / WMF / 2017

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But how to capture the attention of especially difficult-to-impress cinemagoers in Germany?

The knives’ outstanding sharpness particularly lent itself to being dramatised with an unconventional media idea.

We wondered what would happen if the chef in the ad cutting his ingredients started to slice up the screen from behind. It’s a crazy thought, but he cuts it up … or does he?


We showed the extraordinary cinemaspot in high frequently cinemas in the five most populated cities of Germany. Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Frankurft and Hamburg.

The campaign ran from 18/03/2016 to 30/09/2016.


The attention on the ad has been obtained through an innovative media idea. An incisive experience for the cinema-goers. The idea turned the knife’s sharpness into a graphically impressive and memorable experience. WMF’s brand presence in the minds of the viewers more than doubled in time thanks to the ad.

Things then went like a hot knife through butter for WMF.

- The 2016 knife campaign achieved outstanding results and will therefore be continued in 2017.

- WMF knife sales increased 5 % points in the relevant target group.

- Total turnover in the knives category rose 21% compared to the previous year.

- Turnover for the Grand Class knife (featured in the ad) increased by an impressive 105%.

(Source: WMF, Facit Digital)

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