Cannes Lions

The sound of color


Presentation Image
Case Film
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This is a new retail brand that sells clothes to everysegment, specially those that can't afford the latest trends. This is a premium brands outlet that approaches premium clothes to people through good prices under the purpose "fashion for everyone".

The brief and objectives were to create a totally emotional idea that celebrates the store inclusion and that related all kinds of people with fashion.


Based on the synesthesia principles (synesthesia a sensorial phenomenon that consists in a perceptions transfer from one sense to other) we created an experience to substitute visual stimula for auditive stimula and which gave a blind person the chance to enjoy the freedom and feelings of choosing clothes of their favorite colors just as a full sighted person does. Thanks to this auditive arrangements, they could recognize tones and colors with her ears.


Low income people interested in fashion located in Mexico City neighbors far away from the trend and hype zones. They like to going to malls and shoppings but are always looking for those brands and stores that gives them the most for the less, the one that thinks of them in any way and includes them regardless the look, income or place of living.

We approached the through their social networks, as they use too many hours in public transportation, they use their smartphones as a distraction and entertainer, giving special atteintion to their social interaction and always looking for what brands have for them. We used online videos in social networks to get to them and present our inclusive purpose.


We created an experiment to help Erika, a blind girl to choose clothes of her favorite color again. We curated a selection of clothes that covered the whole chromatic spectrum and composed an audio piece that would match this spectrum with its sound equivalence.

When Erika was in front of the clothes' rack, she put on headphones and the music was been played in the exact tone of the color Erika was standing in front of, if she walked towards the dark colors, base sounds became dominant, if she went for light colors, sharp sounds took place. A melody and armony glued everything together and there was a rack for blind people.

The experiment was performed live, as the music was being created, played and changed live for Erika. This was first staged in a controlled enviroment and when then, we took the experiment as an activation in stores.


A growth for more than 27,000 followers in our facebook community for the launch of the brand and the profile, and the opportunity to create our instagram profile with more than 1,000 followers.