Cannes Lions

The Stories That Killed Us



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Original Content
Case Film






To shed light on this grim reality, Propuesta Cívica, an NGO that legally represents the families of the victims, recreated the last moments in the lives of three of the most relevant cases of journalist assassinations in the country over the past decade, all of which remain unpunished.

With the upcoming presidential election in Mexico, we wanted to put this issue in the public agenda, looking for the candidates to take a stance and commit to take action to protect journalists.


Through this dark and hyper-realistic trilogy, our goal was to amplify the silenced voices of these journalists and spark critical conversations about the urgent need for justice and accountability in Mexico's perilous media landscape.


Interest in non-fiction and true crime have reached a huge peak in the last year. People seems more attracted to content inspired or based in reality. This led us to tackle the issue of violence against journalist through a series of three short films that could attract people's and media attention and help us to shed light in the problem and its causes.

Beyond the short films and its online release, we've been hosting events to discuss the issue and reflect on the cases portrayed in the films and other cases, gathering authorities and journalists to debate and spark a discussion on the most important actions to fight the issue.


This project recreates the last moments in the lives of three of the most relevant cases of journalist assassinations in the country over the past decade, all of which remain unpunished.

The approach was to pursue realism, inspired by a documentary visual style and always sticking to the facts of how the crimes were committed.

In the short films we recreated the journalists’ true notes, aiming to expose the hidden motives behind their deaths and bringing their silenced voices back to the forefront.


The Stories That Killed Us campaign sparked crucial conversations about the violence against journalists in Mexico, demanding their protection. Emboldened by the project, journalists themselves began questioning the president during his daily morning conferences, highlighting the urgency of the issue, and asked what the government would do to address this problem.

To amplify these voices further, a powerful conference was held, bringing together experts and families of murdered journalists to expose the problem in all its stark reality.

The Stories That Killed Us also ignited a firestorm of public discourse around the silencing of journalists in Mexico. People started talking, not just about the tragedies, but about the chilling effect these murders have on free speech and investigative journalism.