Spikes Asia

The Story of an Unborn Child - Chamki

PHD INDIA, Mumbai / UNILEVER / 2016


2 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Presentation Image
Case Film






The absence of basic hygiene is the reason nearly 6 million children die every year before their fifth birthday. An estimated 44% die during their first 28 days. Half of these deaths are estimated to occur because of infectious syndromes like diarrhea which can be prevented with a simple habit of hand washing.

Lifebuoy has taught hand washing with soap to 250 million people across the world. Since, 2012 it has been educating mothers in the neo natal stage.

True to its essence of a life saver, Lifebuoy wanted to reach out and educate the larger masses on the importance of hand washing in the neo natal stage of a child. The objective was to use the Internet as a medium to educate and trickle down the education to one and all. The film ‘Chamki’ showcases the emotional journey of a pregnant mother and her aspirations for her child.


The film shown to 100 expecting moms, hosted by Kajol along with mommy bloggers and media with a simulcast on YouTube. The HUL Now Live Command Centre leveraged Twitter, using ‘@IAmChamki’ using ‘#5YearsFromNow’ to set context of the message, generating conversations. With the aspirational hook of the hashtag, we tracked over 6500 relevant conversations. Real time sharing of the film and the bloggers further proceeded to create compelling content.

It generated over 11,000 conversations over a period of 2 days, reaching around 4.6 MN unique accounts. The lead channel Youtube trended at #3 for over 6 hours with 1.5 MN views within the first 10 hours.

Through a robust deployment plan using social media, digital, and on ground - we reached 190 million people in India. The Digital Campaign garnered 9% organic views VS industry benchmark of 1%.

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