Cannes Lions

The Sweating Channel

LEO BURNETT, Madrid / OLD SPICE / 2024

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Old Spice keeps you smelling fresh for 48 hours. And that it's very important particularly during summer because it faces a major enemy: Sweat. A sweat that could not only come from your own armpits but even from other people's armpits. And the summer of 2023 was expected to be the hottest summer in history. So it was really important to help our consumers know that Old Spice could help them face this situation, and that the same time, to inform them when and how much they should use.


We decided to keep our users informed everyday about the prediction of sweat in every corner of the country, everyday. This unit of measurement didn't exist yet, so we had to create it. Based on the reaction of the human body to sweat, taking into count the weather conditions expected for everyday, and cross-referencing it with variables such as tourists movements, and other events, we were able to obtain the amount of "sweat-liters" expected for every city or town in Spain. With that information, we were able to create The Sweating Channel, the first news channel that was able to inform everything about sweat in Spain everyday, and keep Old Spice users informed about it during a whole month. We basically transformed Old Spice Instagram profile into that news channel.


We gathered data from official sources like:,6-millones-de-turistas-internacionales-que-realizaron-un-gasto-de-87.061-millones-de-euros.aspx#:~:text=Espa%C3%B1a%20supera%20en%202022%20datos,respectivamente%20respecto%20al%20a%C3%B1o%202019.

Being a truthful source of information for our users (that could see the relation between weather conditions everyday and our own information), we created all sort of tools, icons, and maps that allowed us to translate the risks of finding yourself in the middle of a sweat-storm when going to a party in Barcelona, or if it was just a drizzle of perspiration.

The daily reports targeted people in different cities to provide the personalized information, as well as the weekly predictions and some news that could be relevant specially for them or their area.

This way, Old Spice' Instagram became useful for our users to check information or to share it, and to make decisions on what to do or wear, everyday, everywhere.

Within the content, we placed Old Spice advertising reinforcing the 48hours freshness.


We gathered data from official sources like:

Being a truthful source of information for our users (that could see the relation between weather conditions everyday and our own information), we created all sort of tools, icons, and maps that allowed us to translate the risks of finding yourself in the middle of a sweat-storm when going to a party in Barcelona, or if it was just a drizzle of perspiration. The daily reports targeted people in different cities to provide the personalized information, as well as the weekly predictions and some news that could be relevant specially for them or their area. This way, Old Spice' Instagram became useful for our users to check information or to share it, and to make decisions on what to do or wear, everyday, everywhere. Within the content, we placed Old Spice advertising reinforcing the 48hours freshness.

Along a whole month, @OldSpice_es became The Sweating Channel. Everyday we posted on stories different pieces of content with the prediction of sweat for the country and the main cities and even towns. Some of these pieces were also promoted targeting the people in those territories. The everyday data made the news be trustful, and also allowed us to inform about the whole world of sweat beyond the pure prediction of it, and even create "warning" pieces to alert certain places when there was a sweat tsunami getting closer to them (it could mean a moment with lots of cruises arriving to Barcelona at the same time that temperatures were going to reach high peaks). Plus, we created a weekly newscast, that helped people program their whole week getting to know the sweat expected for the following days.


-+219% interactions (vs previous month)

-+8% sales (vs same period of previous year)



-+219% interactions (vs previous month)

-+8% sales (vs same period of previous year)

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