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How do you market a pharmaceutical product without saying its name? How do you talk to young women about a contraception option without the usual clinical language? That was the challenge we took on in helping Bayer Healthcare introduce its Skyla IUD to a new generation of users.

Using a combination of both proprietary and secondary research, we gained unprecedented insight into the lives of Millennial women and uncovered something startling: faced with more opportunities and more options than ever before, women need more than just birth control—they need life control! This guided us in developing the Timeline Project, and igniting conversations among young women about their hopes, dreams, relationships and future families. With no paid media support, the site achieved over 70,000 unique visitors during it's first three months and attained a conversion rate to the branded CRM program that was more than double the industry average.


The concept was refined through a year long discovery period that included insights from our target, Key Opinion Leaders, healthcare providers and Bayer's pharmacovigilance/legal. We augmented traditional website development by activating a partnership with NewsCred, the world's largest content provider. We also attracted the attention of online influencers and bloggers through grassroots efforts that included events and partnerships with Her Campus and BlogHer. Launched in July 2014, a CRM campaign continues to maintain engagement with users.

The site was designed to optimize social sharing on image-driven platforms typically used by Millennials (Pinterest, Instagram). The format reflects the "Maker Culture" aesthetic letting each user create a personalized visual roadmap that stands as an expression of her creativity and style. The unbranded content provides users with a "soft landing" that gently leads them to contraceptive information and, ultimately, to Skyla when they are ready to absorb a branded message.


The site achieved over 70,000 unique visitors and attained a conversion rate to the branded CRM program that is more than double the industry average despite having no paid media support. The website was noticed and written up by several publications including "Forbes Magazine" and garnered the support of several women's advocacy groups including National Women's Law Center, Planned Parenthood and the Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health. Although a Brand Tracking Study has yet to be implemented, the project struck a nerve in the culture. Our campaign amassed a robust community of Millennial women and advocates who are engaged, believe in our mission and are helping spread the word through their social networks. The overall response shows the program is resonating with the target, achieving over 95% of all social mentions as "positive" and is often associated with key strategic words like "#women," "#future," and "#goals".

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1 Cannes Lions Award



2019, BAYER

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