Dubai Lynx

The undeniable street view



1 Silver Dubai Lynx
3 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
Information Deck
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In Ukraine the one year anniversary (for want of a better word) since the start of the invasion is coming up on February 24th. And as the war still rages on, the horror civilians are having to face is still going on too.

Yet news weariness, misinformation, indifference, and Russian denials of the real impact of this criminal invasion on the ground continue and global audiences grow more detached as they lose connection with what is really happening on the ground.


Around the world, people use Google street view to experience the streets of city far away first hand, but when it comes to war torn Ukraine, that simply wasn’t a possibility. Google don’t allow street-view updates of war damaged areas that may depict violence.

To mark the one year of the terror, A collection of Ukranian organizations led by United 24, the official fundraising platform of Ukraine, launched by President Zelenskyy, have united to launch THE UNDENIABLE STREETVIEW- A platform for people everywhere to roam, explore and experience first hand the the neighborhoods and streets that have been on the front line and come see for themselves the damage and targeting of civilian infrastructure the Russians have inflicted - which is a war crime.


With the rise of ‘fake-news’ and concerns about bias, spin, and hidden agendas people globally are losing trust in news and skepticism is on the rise. But some things, no one should be able to deny.

We wanted to show the scale and undeniable proof of the Russian crime for all to see, and face the devastation in the first person, without the taint of the subjectivity of the news or the media. No commentary, just reality.


Mimicking the Google Streetview feature, we covered over 100km of Street-view shot with an experienced team of Ukrainian street-view experts on the ground throughout the war ravaged streets of Ukraine across 10 locations in 5 cities — in Kyiv, Irpin, Kharkiv, Izhyum, Cherigiv.

Anyone from around the world can toggle between what these places used to look like before the invasion, and what they look like now after the destruction.

Furthermore, they could experience the devastation in hyperrealism through VR.


The powerful experience of the Undeniable Street View was instantly picked up by media from around the world garnering it over $8.2 million worth in earned media and 23 million impressions. The website itself received over 250,000 visits where people spent an average of 4 minutes exploring and experiencing the destruction for themselves- that’s 4 times higher than the industry average.

This project is a statement declaring what no one in the world should accept — so the site and the imagery contained within it will be submitted as evidence to various organisations collecting imagery of the conflict.