
The Unique Thank You

ANOTHER, Copenhagen / PANDORA / 2016

Presentation Image






There is no bigger global yearly jewellery occasion than Mother’s Day. But even for the world’s second largest jewellery brand, cutting through the communication clutter around Mother’s Day is a challenge.

PANDORA wanted to become part of the conversation around Mother’s Day 2016. Rather than just communicating to the target group, they wanted to involve them and make them part of the communication.

The objectives for the campaign was to engage women around the world emotionally and inspire conversation between mothers and daughters around Mother’s Day.


They say there is a unique bond between mothers and daughters. But how strong is it? For Mother’s Day 2016 we decided to put it to the test.

With a film experiment - titled The Unique Thank You – we gave daughters a chance to reflect on that unique bond and write down a personal thank you message to their mom.

A total of 8 daughters were asked to write a unique message to their mom. The messages were put on display in a gallery setting and the 8 mothers were brought in one by one to single out the anonymous message written for them while their daughters watched back stage.

In the end the mothers and daughters were united giving them a chance to reflect on the unique bond they share.


We decided to dramatize the unique bond between mothers and daughters through a filmed experiment. 8 daughters were asked to write a unique message to their mom. The messages were put on display in a gallery setting and the 8 mothers were now brought in one by one to single out the message written for them while their daughters watched back stage.

The filmed experiment was launched on PANDORA’s Facebook page as well as Youtube channel, and encouraged the existing tagging- and sharing-behaviour of the social channels.

Besides the main film, the campaign consisted of a behind the scenes film and portraits of the stories behind the unique messages.

On Pandora’s website we then invited daughters around the world to relive the experiment and test their own unique bond with their mom. The daughters could write their own thank you message and see if their mom could identify it.

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