Cannes Lions
The purpose of this campaign is to expand the recognition of the hair growth tonic KAROYAN, and to construct mid-term engagement with males with thinning hair.
Men with thinning hair tend to prefer crosswords, and crosswords are effective for anti-thinning. We created the world’s biggest crossword puzzle “KAROYAN”.
A huge crossword with more than 60,000 words and 150,000 squares. When the users solved all the puzzles, it will be applied to the Guinness World Records™. It's constructed of words related to hair restoring and effect of the product, so as they solve the puzzle, the users can learn about thinning hair and its prevention.
This content was created using HTML5 and is supported by multi devices, so the users can play it anytime they want.
The website recorded more than 300,000 hits on the opening day alone.
Due to all the attention, the campaign was covered by more than 100 medias, and achieved great advertising effects. After the termination of the well-received first version, the campaign continued with various new versions such as “self-play mode.”
It was successful in creating a continuous long-term relationship between the users and the brand.
“KAROYAN” was registered on the Guinness World Records™ and became widely known as the world’s largest crossword on August 29, 2012.
We were successful in promoting a PR campaign towards and achieving engagement from the target audience, men with thinning hair, by coupling the motif of crossword puzzles, a game much-loved by the target audience, with brand name content, and by attaining the record of “The World’s Largest Crossword Puzzle” in the Guinness World Records TM for KAROYAN.
The first puzzle was released on June 18, 2012. Subsequently, puzzles number two and three followed. We were able to achieve a long-term engagement between the end user and brand name by enhancing the campaign effort with the inclusion of new features such as self-play mode and cooperation mode.
To provide ease of access, the content was developed using HTML5 so that the game could be played on a variety of devices.
The campaign ran according to the original plan.
The website recorded over 300,000 hits on opening day alone and over 100 media outlets covered the campaign. Such volume is in excess of double of normal campaigns.
In 2012, KAROYAN gained the record of “The World’s Largest Crossword Puzzle” in the Guinness World Records TM, a world best-seller.
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