Cannes Lions

The Young Logo

ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo / PEPSICO / 2022

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Quaker Oats provides many benefits to a person’s body and well-being. No wonder it’s called a "super food." We needed to show that eating Quaker Oats can improve people’s health and bodies, from inside out.


Quaker’s logo dates back to 1877. And he has a name: it’s Larry. So, Larry is about 145 years old.

To show that eating Quaker Oats can improve people’s health and bodies, we decided to show the mysterious, never-seen rest of Larry: his body.

We couldn’t show him worling out in the gym, for example, because the brand didn’t want to: 1 – be associated with pre-workout supplements and 2 – be overpromising. We just needed so send a message that by eating Quaker your body would be healthier and you’d improve your well-being, from inside out.

Our target audience were men and women, 30+.


We would never commit the heresy of tampering with a 145-year-old logo, that’s why we decided to show that he’s young and healthy by playing with perspective. So, we created a series of posters where you can’t really tell if you’re actually seeing his body… or if it’s someone else behind a banner with Larry’s face on it.

The illustrations were carefully made to match the style of Larry’s face. All perfectly aligned to give the uncanny impression that you were seeing Larry playing the drums, riding his bike, or doing whatever his young body felt like.


The billboards and posters sent the message that people could get younger and healthier from the inside out. Or, in other words: that they could change their life from within.

And by measuring the campaign’s main KPI, we got a result of “+40% higher awareness than average campaign”* (*Based on Other Pepsico Campaigns in São Paulo).

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