Cannes Lions
Every overweight person, before going to surgery, has to try and lose weight. The surgical solution is, in fact, the last resort. All the doctors at Ponderas recommend prevention as the most effective tool against obesity.
The creative idea was set around prevention: turn healthy activities into medical currency. For yourself or for other if you choose to donate. And, where there is a currency, there also must be a bank.
So, Ponderas launched #TheKmBank, the first medical bank in Romania that stores kilometers.
#TheKmBank exists only in social media.
Simply by monitoring any kind of moving activity, like cycling, running, skating or
walking and posting the Km on Facebook with #KmBank people opened and then filled their accounts with kilometers.
The kilometers gathered could be transformed into Ponderas services, such as nutritionist consultations, special analyses and so on, for yourself or for someone you want to help.
People rapidly started to open accounts, #TheKmBank spread organically on social media. Bloggers and online influencers shared the story of the first bank that uses kilometers as a medical currency.
Obesity prevention has become a Romanian buzzword. The hashtag quickly spread on Facebook, generating over 200,000 impressions on social media. More than 40,000 kilometers have been gathered in the bank thus far... and still gathering.
Until now, 50 clinically obese people have benefited from kilometers donations. Ant this is just the beginning of the first long term platform on obesity prevention launched by a hospital.
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