Cannes Lions

This is More than a Lipstick

PROS, Sao Paulo / VULT / 2024

Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film






Vult, aware of the severe reality of domestic violence in Brazil, sought a way to position itself against this issue while maintaining alignment with its purpose of female empowerment. Through the 220 Vults Program, the brand was already working on the economic emancipation of women in vulnerable situations and realized that to further contribute to their autonomy, it was necessary to directly address this alarming problem.

The creation of a product with a social purpose already represents, in essence, a powerful public relations tool, especially when linked to the commitment to donate 100% of its sales. For Vult, supporting female empowerment goes beyond mere words; it is a fundamental principle of the brand.


Vult's great idea was to launch a lipstick that was more than just a cosmetic, but a symbol of personal reconstruction. The product launch occurred in partnership with the NGO Turma do Bem, allocating 100% of the sales to a project that helps women who have suffered domestic violence recover their smiles with free dental treatments.

This initiative was the star of a broader strategy, which included a major strategy of carefully selected influencers who could promote the social product sale while sharing their personal experiences.

The campaign also featured a digital film, narrating the stories of overcoming by the women assisted by the NGO and geolocated OOHs near Women's Police Stations in different states of Brazil. The brand also promoted Discussion Circles and Courses integrated into its 220 Vults Program to educate about recognizing minor everyday aggressions.


The launch of a social product is a PR strategy in itself. After all, not every brand is 100% committed to redirecting the full value of their products to social causes. But for Vult, women's empowerment is serious business. The launch gained national visibility, driven by digital influencers who expanded its reach, sharing the product and generating support and visibility. Strategic collaboration with media outlets brought the issue of violence against women to the forefront, promoting national discussions and highlighting Vult's commitment to social change in major Brazilian media outlets.

To amplify the campaign, a digital film was created narrating the stories of overcoming by women assisted by the NGO, and geolocated OOHs were placed near Women's Police Stations in different states of Brazil. The brand also promoted Discussion Circles and Courses integrated into its 220 Vults Program to debate the topic.


The implementation began with the launch of the product "This is More than a Lipstick" on e-commerce platforms, driven by a digital campaign that included a strong strategy of digital influencers who addressed the issue authoritatively and from a relevant perspective.

An emotional film about the journey of overcoming by three women who were victims of domestic violence and supported by the NGO Turma do Bem was released on the brand’s digital channels. Geolocated OOHs were installed near Women’s Police Stations, symbolic places for the discussed theme.

To sustain and amplify the topic, the brand launched courses on Domestic Violence on its education and entrepreneurship platform, and also organized discussion circles in peripheral locations with the goal of encouraging women to recognize domestic violence.


With the strategy of donating 100% of the lipstick sales profits to the NGO Turma do Bem, the brand hit its annual lipstick category target in 48 hours. This was the largest sales volume campaign in the history of the brand's e-commerce.

There were over 200 press publications, with Earned Media of $618,771.44 and 100 million people impacted. The campaign achieved 36% organic engagement, making it the most shared content in the brand's history, with an increase of more than 246% compared to the average. The courses offered by the campaign were attended by 30,000 women.

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