Cannes Lions

This Is My Ramadan


Presentation Image
Demo Film
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After 3 years of severely restricted Ramadans spent indoors with limited social interaction, Indonesia was returning to Ramadan IRL. Some people had developed a healthy addiction to K-Dramas, some chose to sleep through entire days alone, others hadn’t seen their best friends in years. Stressed, unsure and anxious, young Indonesians were recalibrating what the month means for them.


Mariah during American Xmas = Nasida Ria during Indonesian Ramadan. With Gen-Z’s post-ironic love for nostalgia, we collaborated with the legendary band and remixed their iconic Ramadan anthem. We packed the lyrics with real embarrassing, bizarre and insightful queries based on social listening then released the song through a series of brand new music videos.


In the lead up to Ramadan, we noticed a spike in new genres of Ramadan questions through social listening. Questions from folks with newfound personal preferences, struggling to blend the context of today with age-old traditions. So young Indonesians were turning to Google to ask questions that were too embarrassing, unhinged or socially awkward to ask IRL.

With the dramatic spike of social consumption during fasting, we delivered a light-hearted reflection of the zeitgeist, just how our audience likes it - vertical, bonkers and drenched in newstalgia.


The key executions were 2x short vertical music videos called #IniRamadanKu (This is My Ramadan). The M/Vs depict a diverse portrait of young Indonesians embarking on this unique time in history - coping, remixing and thriving in unique yet relatable ways. Nasida Ria act as the watchful aunties, like fairy godmothers, providing wisdom, guidance and lols via the magic of Qasida music. We studied their inimitable vernacular design, flair and aesthetic - looking to honour it with genuine authenticity at every touch point.

The concept was stretched to cutdowns for paid ads, influencers exploring their own ambiguous questions and even an instrumental Karaoke version for sing-alongs.


- 10x organic views of the band’s previously most viewed Reel

- 322% share rate compared to our IG benchmarks

- 96% positive sentiment across all comments

- 15+ bootleg versions uploaded from users across platforms

- Statistically significant lift in Google Search preference, smashing TikTok’s benchmarks

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