Cannes Lions

This Is Not A Car

BEINFLUENCE, Brussels / D'IETEREN / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Launched in January of 2023 in Switzerland, France and Belgium, Microlino was unknown to the public.

The brand launched a display and SEA campaign to spark traffic on its website by focusing the messaging on very concrete USPs (range, speed...) with a humoristic tone.

The campaign generated 7M impressions with a CTR of 0,5%.

But audiences didn't understood the premiumness of the brand, and treated Microlino more as a joke rather than the newest vehicle brand in the world.

Thus, Microlino wanted an influencer campaign to raise awareness in France and Belgium in Q3 and Q4 of 2023 towards its target audiences : Upscale drivers with an innovation and eco-conscious mindset aged 25 - 55.

The Objectives :

- Use influencers to establish Microlino's image as a new and premium vehicle.

- Update Microlino’s imagery and brand assets with personified contents.

- Generate 1M impressions.

Available budget : 40.000€ all-in.


How can we change the way people think about, imagine and see a car ?

By inviting them to change the way they see everything else.

If this is not a sunset, but a fireball lighting up the city.

If this is not a dog, but your fluffy best friend.

If this is not a red light, but an invitation to take your time.

Then :


But a new way of looking at Mobility.

It's a simple yet very powerful idea that fits perfectly with Microlino's DNA and relies on emotions vs product-centric informations, giving the users what they want to see on social media.

A powerful idea that came to life during a groundbreaking campaign that changed minds by inviting creators and their communities to start changing the way they see everything else through two powerful activations :

#This_Is_Not_A_Car, it's a Fashion Statement.

#This_Is_Not_A_Car, it's Poetry.


Instagram was our main platform for its relevance regarding our target audiences and the go-to platform for Premium and Luxury contents,

TikTok was our secondary platform, on which we decided to focus the messages on "#This_Is_Not_A_Car, this is Poetry" and added a fake "behind the scenes" video in which a creator was stopped in her content shoot by a (real !) policeman asking questions about the vehicle, baffled by what he was seeing, in order to be aligned with the platform's codes.

We selected Belgian and French macro ( >100k followers) and micro (10k - 100k followers) creators who create aspirational rather than product-focused content and who regularly work with high-end brands, in order to stay coherent with their universes.

We made sure to select creators whose audiences matched our target groups :

Premium, urban, eco-conscious innovators between 25 and 55.

We achieved a 78% audience match with our selection!


The campaign occured between September 15 and October 30 2023.

We begun with the "This_Is_Not_A_Car, it's a Fashion Statement" activation on Instagram:

sending creators to Fashion Shows during the Paris Fashion Week in Microlinos.

Creators posted 3 series of stories and a Reels each:

One during their preparation for the show.

One to announce that this year's vehicle is not the traditional Mercedes or Porsche but their killer accessory : a Microlino.

One filming their arrival to the show and all the creators and photographers taking pictures of them inside their Microlino.

Plus a Reels recaping the stories above.

Then came the "This_Is_Not_A_Car, it's Poetry" activation on Instagram and TikTok:

sending creators to explore their cities with their Microlino and see them through a different, poetic angle.

Creators posted a Reels and a TikTok each + an Insta Story with the call to action "#This_Is_Not_A_Car, find out what it is"


With a 40.000€ budget, the detailed campaign objectives were :

Activate creators with communities matching at least 50% of our target audiences caracteristics.

Achieve 1 million organic impressions.

Achieve an engagement rate of 3% and a CTR of 0,5%.

Have a paid social campaign using the creators' contents that is in-line with Microlino's traditional social-ads results.

We achieved :

16 creators activated with communities matching 78% of Microlino's target audiences.

21 millions organic impressions (+2100% vs objective).

Engagement rate (impressions based) of 10,37% !

CTR (impressions based) of 1,5%, equaling over 300.000 clicks to Microlino's social profiles and website.

Earned Media Value of 2.2M€.

A 55x Return On Investment based on the EMV.

And the paid social-ads campaign using the creators' contents we run had :

A CTR 16% more efficient

A CPC 12% more efficient

A Cost Per Lead 70% more efficient!

vs Microlino's paid social benchmarks.

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