Dubai Lynx
STARCOM, Dubai / SAMSUNG / 2017
Beyond all the marketing buzz words and the data stories and the hype, you can be faced with a simple truth: if there is no product, there is simply no sale.
Samsung product launches were planned across the year and for 2016, April was the launch month of the boundless SUHD TV – a TV with such elegant design and detailed screen image that viewers are pulled into the very scene they watch.
Unfortunately, none of that was possible. There were no TVs to sell.
Since we had a very limited budget at hand, we had to use it in the most effective and efficient way to secure the highest pre-orders possible.
After collecting and analyzing all our DMP data, we extracted the consumers who showed interest in TV sets and other high-end tech products or even looked for other expensive products that helped us define their high purchase power. We then selectively picked the ones that were most likely to pre-order the device and served them our ad.
We also supported our DMP online campaign with targeted, key newspapers and one premium outdoor billboard
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