Dubai Lynx

Tiktok - You are Missing a Lot!

KIJAMII, Cairo / TIKTOK / 2022

Presentation Image
Case Film
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TikTok encountered some hurdles in the Egyptian market that led to dropping the brand and content image because of some questionable user-generated content on its platform that angered public opinion, despite a rapidly-growing user base.

Tiktok needed to launch their first local branding repositioning campaign addressing emotional and functional perception barriers to the app, with a specific target audience of non-users who perceive the platform negatively.

We needed to re-establish Tiktok as a youthful, dynamic and respectable content discovery platform fit for everyone.


Tiktok is already recognized globally as the most exciting content discovery platform, so to entice our audiences, we leveraged this age’s most predominant fear, the fear of missing out (FOMO), to get them interested in the platform and to change their perception, and launched the campaign tagline "Faytak Keteer / You're Missing Out On A Lot" to showcase all of the different content categories and respected content creators on the app.


1st Party Data supplied by Tiktok help identity the key top performing content categories on the platform, which in turn help us in shaping the campaign's creative strategy and key messages. This also helped us select the campaign's protagonist - Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz - to leverage his 2.2 million fan base as part of the campaign's audience - and formulate the assets' variations to cater to our different affinity and gender audiences.

Through this strategy, we were able to demonstrate the relevance of the brand / platform to our chosen target audiences, and we were able to reach our prospective audiences in various online and offline touchpoints during their day-to-day activities.


The campaign includes 30 tailored copies of various durations and gender affinities and dimensions, two English and Arabic radio copies, a massive outdoor campaign covering greater Cairo and Alexandria, an in-app landing page, and a digital activation on and off Tiktok utilizing the real Tiktok content creators featured in the copies and in the rest of the campaign verticals to convert people from other platforms onto tiktok.

This asset range and diversity powered an integrated media strategy across mediums to deliver the campaign's main message clearly on a mass scale, and for the duration of two months.


The campaign resulted in some staggering numbers of viewership and engagement, with 80% of researched audience changing their perception positively about Tiktok as a platform for discovery.

The campaign also scored a 75% ad recall rate, and a 66% likeabilty score, all surpassing pre-set Egyptian benchmarks by the independent research partner, in addition to winning over new non-users with 56% of them recalling the ad positively.

On Tiktok, the ad campaign and its online engagement activation saw 790 million+ views.

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