Cannes Lions

Timeless Value


Demo Film






FUJIFILM celebrated its 90th anniversary by launching the X100VI at the "X Summit TOKYO 2024" event and by introducing the ‘Timeless Value’ promotional project. This initiative invites global photographers to share their interpretations of what "timeless value" represents through their work. We took part in this project in collaboration with Sam Abell, the National Geographic photographer.

The project’s objective is to convey to photographers and FUJIFILM interests how photography bridges generations and sustains connections between people across time and geography. Through a quiet, subtle, yet inspiring documentary style that presents Abell’s return to Hagi as an authentic story and genuine result of continuing, lifelong photographic practice, it aims to reinforce FUJIFILM’s brand identity, demonstrating its commitment to listen to and share the thoughts of photographers. By extension, as a product promotion, it presents the X100VI as an invaluable tool for forming humanistic connections to those who use it.


The documentary format allowed us to authentically explore the connections among photography, the X100VI, Sam Abell, and Hagi, with Abell as our guide, to ensure a genuine portrayal through his lens. Our aim was to capture Abell’s personality in a natural and unforced manner, emphasizing his expertise and comfort in familiar surroundings, and allowing his philosophies to shine. This approach minimized directive input from our side, thereby slightly altering the traditional role of the director to focus more on pre-production and behind-the-scenes direction, and narrative weaving in post-production.

On site, our strategy allowed for a mix of planned and spontaneous moments, such as the planned visit to the home of the women's grandchildren, and the unexpected encounter with the monk from 43 years ago at Daisho-in Temple. This blend of control and flexibility represents our directorial role in this project, shifting creative decision making to accommodate the story’s authentic unfolding.


Metrics indicate 2.5 million impressions and 63 times more views to the “FUJIFILM X Series” YouTube Channel than usual, ranking it the top video released in the history of the channel. Market feedback for the X100VI from China, US, and UK reported a tremendous number of backordered supply from retailers. More importantly, the video reaffirmed FUJIFILM’s brand identity that their products are created to place the core value of photography at the forefront. Commenters praised FUJIFILM, noting the video’s ability to transcend formal qualities of a typical promotion. Many have shown direct empathetic engagement with Abell, inspiring them to comment about their own photographic experiences.

The project has garnered significant attention in Hagi, with local news and the city office celebrating Abell’s visit, and business owners mentioning their interaction with him in their promotional outlets. This heightened visibility suggests new opportunities for engagement and connection with the local community.

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