Cannes Lions

Tinder Match Forecast

AKQA, Sao Paulo / TINDER / 2024

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Context for the Match Forecast was the summer and, more specifically, Carnaval. Tinder's primary objectives were to reach the top of conversations and generate traffic to the app. Secondary objetives were drive Premium Plans sales and bring new users to Tinder.


The weather can ruin your chances of finding your summer (or lifetime) love. That's why we created a "Match Forecast" AI that analyzes your real-time geolocation and matches it with the weather forecast database of your region, automatically offering a specific benefit on Tinder to neutralize the dating issues caused by the weather, ensuring more matches. The worse the weather, the better the benefit.


The strategy was simple: leverage Carnaval's romantic atmosphere to elevate Tinder's presence. We recognized that while Tinder is great for dating, Carnaval presented an opportunity to extend its relevance beyond just matchmaking. With outdoor festivities prone to weather disruptions, we aimed to address this pain point by offering solutions through native Tinder features. For every weather scenario, we had the perfect perk ready to roll. Targeting mainly single people from 18 to 30, Tinder made sure 'Match Forecast' hit home with the core Carnaval crowd. By aligning with the spirit of Carnaval and real-time data to provide practical assistance, we positioned Tinder as an indispensable companion for a memorable summer.


The strategy was simple: leverage Carnaval's romantic atmosphere to elevate Tinder's presence. We recognized that while Tinder is great for dating, Carnaval presented an opportunity to extend its relevance beyond just matchmaking. With outdoor festivities prone to weather disruptions, we aimed to address this pain point by offering solutions through native Tinder features. For every weather scenario, we had the perfect perk ready to roll. Targeting mainly single people from 18 to 30, Tinder made sure 'Match Forecast' hit home with the core Carnaval crowd. By aligning with the spirit of Carnaval and real-time data to provide practical assistance, we positioned Tinder as an indispensable companion for a memorable summer.


Both primary and secondary objectives achieved:

- 96% increase of active users;

- 443.000 new users;

- more than 15.000 Tinder perks redeemed;

- 34% increase in engagement;

- we got hacked once, for a perk that was impossible to be redeemed in Brazil.

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