Cannes Lions

To Love is to Protect

BETC HAVAS, Sao Paulo / SBP / 2024

Case Film
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SBP is the leader of the insecticides in Brazil. It has an old relationship with its consumers and is well-known for its efficiency and safety. Of course, competitors strike back by lowering prices and shamelessly copying our communications. So, every couple of years we need to reinvent ourselves while keeping consistency for the brand.

For the summer of 23/24 we were tasked to reignite our emotional connection with caretakers. SBP is perceived as a trusted ally of families for decades and all our brand assets and messages were well understood and well recognized. We need to use those strengths as a jumping point to something fresh, that would capture their attention – and their hearts.


This love story has two acts.

In act one we set aside for a bit the information about performance of our products to offer some relief for caretakers. Usually burden with the maintenance tasks of the family, these people often feel as if no one takes care of them. So, our campaign showed something that falls under the radar: that their kids would face even their deepest fears to protect them.

In the second act, when one these fears broke into the real world and Brazil faced its worst Dengue outbreak, we walked the talk by investing heavily to protect those families. We reinforced education programs, delivered high-impact media activations, and engaged trade partners in a promotion strategy to boost product access to everyone in need.

A 360 campaign that went beyond brand awareness. And proved that during a Dengue outbreak, to love is to act.


In 2016, we started a partnership with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, a university specialized in tropical diseases, to create a protocol for awareness and education to combat mosquito-borne diseases. Since then, SBP has carried out interventions in Brazilian communities to raise awareness among the socially vulnerable population about the importance of daily care to stay protected from Dengue.

But when the numbers of reported cases skyrocketed, we knew that was more to be done and relied on our own data to overcome the challenge: by mapping the most affected communities, we were able to tackle the problem on site, delivering information and making our products accessible to those who most needed it.

In terms of communication, we created a compelling strategy, summoning celebrities connected to the communities to amplify the message and delivering a high-impact media activation on the most-watched reality show in Brazil.


By making a disruption in the category, the message of love and protection of the first act of the “To Love Is To Protect and To Protect is SBP” campaign resonated deeply in social media, including among consummers without children, adding brand value and bringing awareness.

From brand repositioning to guerilla and to the biggest audience in Brazil, the second act managed to impact 11.5 million* people within vulnerable communities, 90%** of which incorporated new habits with the brand’s protection system, which improved the sales in 400%***. With additional 2 million households protected, the reduction of Aedes aegypti mosquito pupae and larvae was up to 50%****.

*Source: Movimento Juntos Contra o Mosquito Season 23-24 (Cufa’s data)

** Source: Data Favela 2024

*** Source: Amazon sales data

****Associated with other education and prevention measures. Source: Clinergy Health Research - clinical study carried out in the city of Santos in 2022.

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