Cannes Lions



Presentation Image
Case Film
Demo Film






Totenflak is a potato chip made slightly different than other potato chips. It is fried longer than regular to create a unique taste, therefore it is made with patience. We wanted to use the TV-media to communicate precisely that. We used the entire commercial break during one of Norways most popular TV-shows, and spent the whole six minutes showing a potato chip frying from raw to done. Slow TV C, you might say.

Online we did the same. You could see the commercial and not much more. If you tried to fast forward you got a message saying "Be patient, no fast forward allowed". The ones that saw the whole commercial online got rewarded with the participation in a competition. The price was a weekend at Toten (the small place in Norway where the cips are made), with seven friends.


Kicked off by broadcasting the long, 6 min version of the frying of a Totenflak, during an entire commercial break, urging people to go online to test and get rewarded for their patience. On the website people could share the test of patience and through that increase their chances to get rewarded. Cut down versions of the film was used to remind people about power of patience.

The long version was aired on the 8th of march and a TV and prerolls was used to drive people to test their patience.


- Over 1.100 people have seen the whole film online, tagged seven friends on FB and is now a part of the competition to win a weekend at Toten.

- Solid PR, both before, during and after the airing of the six minutes commercial. One week after, Norways most popular TV-show spent the opening two minutes to discuss how boring the ad was.

- On the day the commercial was aired (08.04.2016), #totenflak was top trending on Twitter.

- The sales increased 120%, and Totenflak is now sold out several places.

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