Cannes Lions



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Cracow - although it’s great past (Poland’s former capital) and present (European capital of Culture in 2000) it had started to lose its energy. The splendour of its history & culture completely overwhelmed its present values of a vibrant, modern & lively city. The city needed a new spirit to become an attractive place for younger and more modern travellers. Our goals: to refresh Cracow’s image, generate some positive buzz around the city as well as traffic on its main tourist site decided to show the famous and well-known city from a completely new perspective. And we really mean new. We decided to build our campaign around a character of one of Cracow’s inhabitants – a very common one but at the same time, a very neglected one. We chose a Cracow pigeon, one whom dreams about being a filmmaker and who practices his passion filming Cracow from the air.

To reach a younger and more modern audience we placed our campaign on the Internet using our site, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. We also got media interested in our idea and the main character to generate some free PR.As a result – the number of our site’s new users increased by 50% during the campaign.


For the main character of our campaign we had chosen a pigeon that dreams about being a filmmaker. In a city so absorbed by art and culture, even the pigeon has high aspirations.

21 movies were filmed by real pigeons, each pigeon had a miniature camera attached to it. All of the recordings were first uploaded to and later shown to the world using the Facebook fanpage of our hero as well as on YouTube and Twitter.In addition there was another movie created showing the famous Polish actor & director Jerzy Stuhr unsuccessfully trying to compete with our protagonist.

We also edited a special version of our movie called "The Journey" that was entered into few film festivals to get some extra PR for the campaign.Built up by the flattering comments of a growing number of on-line friends, our hero applied to Łódź Film School.


- High interests in the campaign & website.

- The number of new users of increased by 50% during the campaign.

- The site had been viewed over 300,000 times. A massive rise was noticed on Facebook in new friends and their were spoofs of the movies on YouTube.

- Support from famous Cracow’s inhabitants.

- Representatives from the world of film and culture (e.g. trumpeter Tomasz Stańko, actress Anna Polony, actor Krzysztof Globisz), who loved our idea, freely decided to become ambassadors of the campaign. They appeared in a short documentary to express their thoughts and encourage people to watch the pigeon’s recordings. The movie was screened during press conferences.- A lot of free PR.- The topic of the pigeons, which filmed Cracow, interested the Polish national media (TV, press & the biggest Polish web portals).

- Our star-to-be movie "The Journey” almost made it to the Rimini Film Festival. This time it was shortlisted.

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