Cannes Lions


GAP'S, Pamplona / KINGDOM OF NAVARRE / 2012

Presentation Image






Days before the holidays, people need to get away and that's why we made it easy. We sent each one a customised box on which you can read, in the case of Matias Prats, for example, "Matias. Now you have no excuse for not getting away". As you open the box, the person receiving it can read "Get to know Navarra" and they find a life-sized figure of themselves (bust or full length, depending on how they present the programme in which they work) with some instructions. These instructions encourage them to place the figure in their work place, pick up the suitcase behind the figure and escape for a weekend to get to know Navarra. The gear attached to the box is a promotional cardboard suitcase inviting them to get to know Navarra and to show them this Land of Contrasts. The suitcase contains an invitation with the instructions required to validate and enjoy half-board accommodation in the Autonomous Region, as well as offering the possibility of various tourist activities.

The opinion leaders highlighted the originality of the idea and were thrilled with the gift. The editorial department of the programmes made jokes about the 'clones' and the presenters themselves commented on the action in their programmes and sent us photos as a reminder. The campaign also had a significant impact on the media (press, radio, TV, internet) and has been much commented on social networks even by the opinion leaders themselves, the presenters, bringing our campaign to more than 3m spectators.


In late June we launched the campaign. The 22 presenters were chosen to act as brand prescriptor, were prepared doubles and personalised boxes. We sent them a box with a double and a message that encouraged them to place the figure in their job, take the suitcase that was in the box, and escape to Navarra. It came with an invitation for a weekend


The opinion leaders highlighted the originality of the idea and were thrilled with the gift. The editorial department of the programmes made jokes about the 'clones' and the presenters themselves commented on the action in their programmes and sent us photos as a reminder. Maria Teresa Campos commences and concludes her programme, 'Que tiempo tan feliz' (What a happy time) with her 'clone' referring to the campaign on more than 1 occasion.The campaign had a significant impact on the media (press, radio, TV, Internet) and has been much commented on social networks even by the protagonists themselves, the presenters, bringing our campaign to more than 3m spectators.

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