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The initiative's impact is all about data. It could not be executed without it.

The TRANSPARENT HYBRID TEST DRIVE offers new data that changes your perception of hybrid cars: data provided by the car salesman's iPad application show how much money you can save in taxes and fuel in comparison to your present car; the data tracking device provides new information upon the performance of the hybrid car on local conditions - for instance on your daily route to work; more accurate information upon the electric driving mode, consumption and emissions is now provided to you after the test drive by e-mail or in paper hand-out so you can enjoy the hybrid test drive in more relaxed way; the customers' feedback - source identifiable data - is collected to measure the client satisfaction which encourages the dealerships to provide the best possible test-drive experience and to offer more test drives than their peers in the network; all above mentioned data is for the first time in the car market available - without filtering on the internet and on the social media.

The data was leveraged in the creatives with a challenge "Fall in love with driving again". As a data driven result the behaviour of the car salesmen was changed to a more dynamic and with more customer-relevant info in their possession that you couldn't find in the internet before. As a result the amount of Toyota hybrid car test drives over doubled during first three months, nationwide! This was a marvelous result in this highly competitive area of the car market. Even more surprising was the fact that 70% of all test drivers gave the highest satisfaction rating 5/5, labelled 'I fell in love with driving again'! Transparency led to trust. Trust led to love.


In the TRANSPARENT HYBRID TEST DRIVE the data is at the core of the idea. The data was leveraged in the creatives with a challenge "Fall in love with driving again". Now we could challenge the potential customers in the creative output to test-drive the Toyota hybrid cars and claim that it will perform better than their present cars - and prove it in a very detailed matter. In addition the customer service in the car showrooms was enhanced with the data.

But it didn't end here: we wanted that the results should be shown not only to the single test driver, but also to all of the potential car buyers who are staying at their home sofas browsing the net. The massive collected data met this new customer behaviour that preferred seeking the product benefits on-line rather than going for actual test-drives.

The transparent publishing of the massive data was used as the main message also in the integrated marketing. All the detailed test-driving data and the feedback of the test-drivers are from now on available to every interested car buyer who is seeking information on-line. In the integrated campaigns like "The Hybrid test-drive challenge: fall in driving again" the data is transformed to an exciting output where the cold product benefits come relevant, true and live to you. The data is generated by the customers to the customers.

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