Cannes Lions

TV2 - The Proud Forecast

TRY AS, Oslo / TV2 / 2023

Case Film
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2022 marks the 50-year anniversary of decriminalisation of homosexuality in Norway. Even though our country has come a long way, there is still recent violent evidence that proves that support for Pride is more important than ever.

TV 2 is Norway’s biggest commercial channel, and have for decades broadcasted the evening news to the entire population.

As a trusted voice in the Norwegian community, TV 2 wanted to mark this special anniversary by showing their undivided support for Pride.


On the first day of Pride, TV 2 surprised everyone with an unprecendented weather report - live on the evening news. During the editorial broadcast, the presenter announced a special weather forecast - rainbows all across the country for the duration of the upcoming Pride week.


Over the last couple of years, more and more commercial brands have joined in support for Pride. Especially brands with a younger demographic, where the attitude towards the LGBTQIA+ community is largely positive. It’s something completely different to show support on the national evening news, in the middle of an editorial broadcast. The televised evening news has a wide target audience, with the older demographic being prominent. By turning the traditional evening news into a celebration of Pride, we reached an audience far beyond just younger LGBTQIA+ supporters.


With zero media spend, TV 2 surprised the nation with an important and bold celebration of gay rights – during prime time on national television. The stunt was aired during the evening news on Norway’s biggest commercial TV channel, and was also subsequently shared on their online platforms.


The Proud Forecast was seen live on air by almost half a million Norwegians (10% of the population)

It was also discussed and shared widely online, becoming TV 2’s most engaging social post of the year. Thousands took to the comments, both with gratitude and anger – fueling a debate of how the national news could show support for Pride. The massive engagement showed just why it’s important for trusted traditional voices to be vocal about their support in order to shift outdated perspectives.

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