Cannes Lions

Uber Eats Ramadan


Presentation Image
Case Film






In Q2 2023 we sought to refresh our existing Online Food Delivery & Grocery always on campaign. This activity was designed to help challenge quality perceptions across the UE offering.

We were looking for a cultural moment where food was central & timing was key, to deliver on our proposition of Uber Eats helping you get anything effortlessly.

The Holy month of Ramadan being the biggest Muslim holiday in the calendar gave us an opportunity to deliver on just that.

Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, and breakfast with the evening meal of Iftar. Observant Muslims will be checking the time of sunset every day, as it changes and varies by location. We took that insight and made it into a UK wide campaign for Uber Eats to help make breaking fast more effortless during this religious festival.


We could see from amongst our target audience of Online Food Delivery users that British Muslims are 2 x more likely to order with Uber Eats than our competitors, which gave us an even more compelling reason to celebrate the major holiday of Ramadan.

Firstly, we plotted key sites in our target cities of London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Bristol which have the highest numbers of Muslims. Next, with the need to know the right time for Iftar daily, we built a geo-specific dataset of sunset times for the entire month of Ramadan. We used sources recognised by the Muslim Council of Great Britain to create our dataset, which didn’t exist before it was built for this campaign.


Our sunset dataset was overlaid against our media plan, to give exact timings of sunset for every DOOH site on each day. The creative simply displayed the time of sunset (or Iftar) every day, for that exact location, alongside a prompt to arrange an Uber Eats delivery at the right time to break their fast. We showcased a range of cuisines and grocery items that are universally associated with Ramadan to whet the appetite, and of course once sunset had passed, we swapped out to our regular always on copy so that we were always relevant and helpful.

This campaign was carried out across the whole month of Ramadan, across 194 DOOH sites placed in 5 cities with total impacts of over 33m.


In areas where OOH was targeted, scheduled delivery was 21.2% higher than the average for the two weeks before Ramadan/campaign launch. This is against a control uplift (other cities) of +5.3%. Which gives an impact of this targeted campaign of +15.9% (v the average for the two weeks before launch).

All results are up to the date this entry was written, 20th April, just before Eid al-Fitr.

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