Cannes Lions

Ultimate Get Well Card

RPA, Santa Monica / HONDA / 2018

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Honda wanted to connect kids who were alone and isolated in a hospital to hundreds of people around the world who were thinking of them. To do this in an innovative and imaginative way, we created a magical and personalized get-well card that came to life through the power of augmented reality. The card experience for each child was two-fold. First it transformed their sterile surroundings into a winter wonderland. Secondly, we packed it with crowd-sourced get well wishes from people who took the time to send in warm words of encouragement. The experience was documented, and from that we created a social video that engaged Honda fans and connected them to the brand in an emotional and genuine way.


This campaign started well before the holiday season with a call-to-action over Honda's social channels in September. To crowd-source well wishes, a short holiday video was launched with an intentionally early holiday message. It was a simple request - leave a well wish for a sick child in the comments. In a few short weeks, we received over eight hundred responses.

We took those well wishes and build a custom AR program. Through an iPad, the kids would see a holiday card personalized with their name on the front. It would magically open with a burst of snowflakes, a paper bird, even a gingerbread house, and animated snowman. The responsive AR took over the sterile hospital ward and transformed it into a winter wonderland. Then for the big finale, we unleashed a floating wishing tree that filled the room with our loving crowdsourced messages from people all around the world.


The spot received over 6.5 million views on social media. Plus, for every Like the film received, Honda donated $1 to CHOC Children's and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, respectively. A total of 825 well wishes were left for the kids. And the comments included people thanking Honda, and expressing their gratitude for this donation effort. Audiences also took to the video to tag their friends to help increase engagement and reach the goal. This spot garnered 35 million PR impressions, 711 article shares, and $324K in ad value. But beyond the numbers, Honda got to give some very deserving kids an unforgettable holiday experience.

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