Cannes Lions




1 Gold Cannes Lions
2 Silver Cannes Lions
6 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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In today's digital era, where consumers wield unprecedented control over media consumption, traditional radio advertising faces challenges amidst Spotify's dominance. Interruptive ads risk being ignored or skipped, failing to captivate audiences. The goal is to craft a smoothly integrated and captivating advertising experience within music streaming. This involves seamlessly integrating product mentions into songs, enhancing rather than disrupting the listener's enjoyment. With over 500 songs mentioning Budweiser in their lyrics, the aim is to grasp attention, boost Budweiser's recognition, and leave a favorable impression without detracting from the music. Objectives include smoothly integrating content relevant to user interests, heightening Budweiser awareness through strategic song placement, fostering positive Budweiser associations, and ensuring global relevance and cultural sensitivity. This advertising evolution aims to redefine audio and radio marketing by providing an immersive experience while effectively promoting Budweiser products.


By leveraging music as a dynamic tool for brand communication and engagement, this project revolutionizes traditional advertising paradigms. With a bold move, the brand incorporates over 500 songs mentioning Budweiser into Spotify ads, positioning music as the driving force of the campaign. Advertising can be both compelling and seamlessly integrated into the user experience without disruption. Through the smooth incorporation of songs into Spotify playlists, the campaign cements music as the cornerstone of the strategy and ensures uninterrupted listening experiences. This innovative approach not only captivates listeners but also authentically reinforces the brand's identity and values. Ultimately, by strategically harnessing the power of music, this project enhances brand visibility, forges lasting connections with audiences, and fosters unwavering brand loyalty, all while prioritizing user enjoyment.


Budweiser actively collaborates with musicians, songwriters, and creatives to seamlessly integrate existing songs that mention Budweiser into users' playlists, ensuring a harmonious musical experience. The aim is to effortlessly weave Budweiser into the fabric of these songs without disrupting the playlist's flow. This strategic approach is centered on aligning the brand with the heartbeat of music culture, leveraging the deep emotional connection listeners have with these songs to enrich brand perception. By accentuating authenticity and relevance, this method not only captivates audiences but also amplifies brand awareness.


The execution of our campaign is a masterful orchestration of meticulous planning, strategic launch coordination, and continuous optimization aimed at delivering maximum impact. With a treasure trove of over 500 songs weaving Budweiser into their lyrics, we strategically place them within playlists, employing targeted promotion to precisely reach our desired audience segments. This campaign isn't just a local affair; it's a global sensation, adapting effortlessly to regional tastes while leveraging scalable infrastructure for flawless execution and meticulous tracking. Through this comprehensive approach, Budweiser effortlessly integrates its brand mentions into songs, captivating audiences worldwide and propelling our brand to unparalleled heights of global awareness.


By turning songs with "Budweiser" in the lyrics into Spotify ads, UninterruptAds achieved significant results, with over 40,000 people impacted per hour during the period of the campaign. Social media content garnered over 20 million views, achieving a 99% sentiment rate. Additionally, the campaign generated 8x more earned media than paid media, demonstrating its effectiveness in driving brand visibility and engagement. And the best result of all: 0 people angry with our ads on Spotify.

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