Cannes Lions



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The strategy was directly calling younger people in the first place, implementing an integrated campaign able to reach everybody, everywhere in the world. Asking for users’ participation and engagement, encompassing users’ contents and channels and involving them in a global action: selecting – through direct users’ participation and voting - 20 new Benetton’s models for the next 2010/11 Fall/Winter campaign.

It’s My Time: the name of the campaign recalls the fact that Benetton is giving voice and room to young people to show themselves to the world.


Any person in the world can be the face of United Colors of Benetton. A platform to support that needed to be created. The campaign's online presence was multilingual and connected in a novelty way to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, in order to be as easy as possible for people to join. People could join through the website or by going to local castings promoted in Benetton shops. The campaign took place for two months on YouTube, TV, print and in the brand's extensive retail network.


In six weeks time the campaign has reached 65,085 participants: 30% teenagers, 50% under 24 from 205 countries). These are all registered users that have uploaded their picture and video content and have been participating in the contest with their votes and comments. All users are regionally and demographically profiled.

The overall traffic has generated 3.9 million unique visitors and 56.4 million pages views from 205 countries.

The integration with Facebook has covered about 25% of the users base: one registered user out of four also signed in the It’s My Time Facebook page.

The It’s My Time Twitter page has generated traffic of 360.000 posts.

On YouTube, It’s My Time has gathered 828,759 hits, 596,506 unique users and 3,5 millions clicks in six weeks. During that period, It’s My Time has been the most viewed You Tube branded channel in Italy, and among the top 20 in the world.

Street actions have engaged more than 1,600 users to instantly create their own profile.

Media relations have generated more than 1,400 – mostly online - editorial issues.

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