Cannes Lions

Until We All Belong



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film






At the heart of our campaign was the ring and the pledge it symbolised. We wanted to go beyond just a short term spike in conversation that a traditional CSR campaign sort may achieve - we wanted to create a movement that would not rest until marriage equality became law.

To do this, we needed a symbol, something immediately recognizable that allowed people to show their support and spark the volume of conversation and societal pressure that would be required to help create legislative change.

Our idea was to take one of the oldest symbols of marriage - the wedding ring - and turn it into a symbol for marriage inequality, the Acceptance Ring.

The unique, matte black metal ring is an incomplete circle with the gap serving as a physical representation of the gap in marriage equality and was available for free for all Australians via a bespoke microsite.


Real People, Real Stories

To create a movement that felt both significant in scale but personal, we launched with TVC's & online video that focused on two things - real peoples reaction to seeing the ring for the first time and real peoples stories of how marriage inequality has impacted them or the ones they love.

Featuring 20 everyday Australians we captured their reactions, their experiences and stories.

Attracting and Engaging Partners

We were the first major brand to stand and up and take a stand on marriage equality, but we knew that there were many others that believed in the cause.

We wanted others to join, but the response caught even us by surprise; 18 major corporations/brands rallied to our campaign, all putting their money where their mouth was to support us, expanding our campaign to 'money can't buy' media locations like Qantas boarding passes and ANZ ATM's.


The results outperformed all expectations. #UntilWeAllBelong became the biggest brand backed LGBTQI campaign of all time.

Launching in April, Australia has thrown its support behind #untilweallbelong with 750 rings ordered every day - 1 every 2 minutes!

Generating 110,513,000 media impressions with an earned and donated media value of $5,800,000 AUD. The total campaign cost at $1,190,000 AUD, meant an ROI of $4.87 for every $1 invested

There are three key measures of Airbnb brand health and across 2017, we saw our biggest YOY increase across all three:

" Active accommodation listings in Australia - 40% YOY growth.

" Inbound guest arrivals to Australia in 2017 - 73% YOY growth

" Outbound guest arrivals from Australia - 56% YOY growth

But the most important result of all? In December 2017, the public pressure finally forced the Australian government into action, with Marriage Equality finally passing through the senate becoming law.

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