Cannes Lions

Upside down headhunting


Presentation Image
Case Film






Normally, professional headhunting is mostly for people with academic degrees and/or a lot of work experience.

We turned this way of headhunting upside-down.

Doing the research, we learned that a big part of our target audience, have had problems filling out applications for both educations and job inquiries, as 40-50% of them suffer from both dyslexia and also ADHD. This also had a big influence on their overall experience in school both socially and educationally, leaving them with many failures, lack of self-confidence and no future goals.

By reaching out to them directly, we helped them realize that they were very valuable.

The idea was to headhunt the target group, COOP DK’s students for the education.

In order to do that, we invited their friends, family members, teachers etc. to recommend them to us, giving us leads to directly headhunt the potential baker- and butcher students.


We created three films for Facebook with professional butchers and bakers, sharing their stories. In the films they talk about how they didn’t feel accepted in school, that sadly resulted in low motivation, and how they realized their skills when accepted into the COOP education programs.

These films also portrayed them as role models for the potential students.

We also created six print ads in youth magazines and other relevant touchpoints, with visuals pertaining the potential students. Both films and prints were targeted to friends and families and led to the supporting website.


We got a total of 660 new recommendations through the supporting site, where 22% turned into actual student applications for the baker and butcher education programs. 43% of all applicants were accepted to the education programs.

This meant that the education programs were totally filled up with new students - more than ever before.

Facebook adverts had over 800.000 views and 3500 shares.

The Facebook adverts got over 7500 clicks for the supporting website “”

The click rate from facebook to the site was 1,68%.

These figures are considered very big in a small country like Denmark.

We created a strong campaign that solved not only the clients problem but also helped the youngsters get an education, making them feel valuable and wanted, regaining their self-confidence and drive to strive for more.

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