Cannes Lions
Y&R UKRAINE, Kiev / FARMAK / 2012
User is instructed to put notebook on the bottom of her stomach and click the 'Warm Me Up!' button. She sees a video with rubber hot water bottle from first person view, as if it would be laying on her stomach.
Hot water bottle starts to sing a soothing song — a parody to Barry White's romantic hit adored by women. The script from the website starts to quickly heat up her notebook by loading the processor and video card.
Voila! The notebook is turned into a Virtual Hot Water Bottle.Uronephron: the only remedy that helps you even before it was bought!P. S. Don’t worry. The computer is safe.
2 weeks after the launch, the Virtual Hot Water Bottle popped up on 150+ websites, which brought us the estimated audience of 700,000.
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