Cannes Lions


MKTG, London / NORWEGIAN AIR / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






We lifted would-be travellers out of the mundane and into an adventure – taking off from a shopping mall and landing in LA, NY and Miami, memorably bringing to life #USATheNorwegianWay!

We created a 30metre section of the Dream-Liner fuselage in Westfield London.

Guests checked in, met their crew, and took seats on-board. A VR in-flight demo by cabin-crew showcased airplane features, and what that meant for their comfort. They then strapped in for a life like take-off

As they were immersed behind headsets, the cabin rotated and the rear wall fell away. On removal of goggles, travellers were surprised to find themselves in Hollywood. Actors whisked our guests through a film-shoot involving a real Porsche, a trip up the elevator to the top of Empire-State in freezing conditions, and a Miami pool party for mocktails, music and a dip while sharing postcards from the USA all the way.


A lot of moving parts were bought together over a tight lead-time of 10wks from sign off to launch date: We:

• Travelled to Norway to film dedicated VR content aboard a Boeing Dreamliner

• Worked with professional actors to develop an immersive script to enhance the customer experience

• Trained a further cast of Brand-Ambassadors to communicate key messages in Norwegian Cabin Crew style.

• Managed rehearsals ahead of live dates

• Designed/built the physical experience using the specifications of a Dream Liner fuselage

• Managed the install into Westfield Stratford and ongoing live activation

• Managed the hashtag and worked with travel influencers in social / online to widen reach/traction

• Managed consumer research evaluation pre/post event

• Managed travel journalists and press-call on launch date

• Managed content for the media partnership


Innovative/memorable/communicates routes/Dreamliner.

• 53% spoke of #USAtheNorwegianWay 6 weeks later

• 81% agreed it was innovative.

• 77% recalled a route/feature of Dreamliner

Demonstrate innovation of Dreamliner.

• Cabin-experience filmed for 360VR content/deployed using VR-headsets.

• Horizontal/Vertical motion-simulation (take-off),

• Oxygen injected cabin-space

Two-way conversation/Generate CRM-leads

• Indicative of quality engagement is dwell-time: Average (7dys) =25mins. (Measured using Forge motion-sensors)

• 3179 data-sets recorded(KPI=3000)

Content; bought/owned/earned-maximise investment

VR showcase featured on Mail-Online / Earned media with MSN achieved £60Mil media-value (source: Norwegian)


• +1.2million impressions

• 93% positive-sentiment.


• 99%participants rated experience as ‘good’/‘very good’

• 96%participants said they’d tell someone about the experience

• 99%participants agreed they’re more likely to fly Norwegian,

Nicole Richards; Marketing-Manager; Norwegian

#USATheNorwegianWay ticked all our boxes for creativity, innovation, execution and effectiveness. Sales enquiries significantly lifted in London catchment area and earned media was achieved at an impressive multiple of our investment.

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