Cannes Lions

Vanishing stories


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The clothes market is dominated by movies and demos of products with a focus on special effects that show how good the product is. We had the challenge to create an idea that could be fun and bonding for parents and their children, showing the demo, but without the special effects and money to make a movie. We wanted to show how the cleaning moment could become something fun not only for parents but also for children. So we launched the books in one of the biggest events on Brazil's children's day: Glamurama. And the stories never ended anymore.


The cleaning moment is the beginning of a new story instead of the boring moment of washing clothes. We turned a moment perceived for both children and parents as boring into a magical moment where stories disappear, so new ones can be born and all we used is the exact purpose of the product: to wash clothes. We created the book with blanks so children and parents could finish it together and then clean it together and after, create new stories. Furthermore, we targeted parents because cleaning children's clothes is one of the most unexpected and hard work you can find out there, and we launched it in Glamurama, the event where celebrities go on children's day with their children.


We focused on parents because washing children clothes is one of the hardest there is. We did it by launching the book on children's day, at one of the biggest events of the date, crowded by celebrities and influencers with children. Not only that, but we showed how to clean the book, just like clothes, and how parents and children could create together by organizing readings of the stories created by the families in the event and then cleaning it.


The book was made using clothes, every page is made of the same fabric we use day to day. They were stitched and printed as a book with blank parts, so the families could create their own stories and then clean it to keep using it. The launch was programmed to be made on children day at Glamurama, one of the biggest events of the country, on the date.


The idea has opened a different relationship between the agency and the client for showing new ways to communicate. Artists out of the brands budget commented the activation on social media and the positive perception of the brand as well as the activation was only positive, especially with the children that loved the book. We went further, beyond the briefing, by becoming a love object of children that kept asking for the books when it was over and sold out.