Cannes Lions

Vaseline Healing Project

EDELMAN, New York / UNILEVER / 2016

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For people living in places affected by political unrest, natural disaster or in extreme poverty, damage or injury to skin can have big consequences. Small cuts and scrapes can lead to life altering situations, often keeping parents from working and children from getting to school. In dire situations like these, people aspire to return to their ordinary life.

The Vaseline® Healing Project PR campaign was founded to give consumers a glimpse of how their world connects with the world of those Vaseline® is helping. Through our communication we worked to connect consumers to the beautiful stories of healing around the world and encourage them to get involved through an easy online donation mechanism.


At the onset of the campaign we worked to involve individuals around the globe in The Vaseline Healing Project by:

•Inviting dermatologists at The World Congress of Dermatology to learn about our program and help us spread the word amongst the skin care community

•Enlisting high profile and credible spokespeople, Viola Davis and Doctors Grace Bandow and Samer Jaber, to help us raise awareness for skin issues and tell the personal stories of those who are excluded from traditional medical systems

•Creating an online tool designed to allow consumers to build a relief kit for someone in need

•Working with Unilever to establish a “buy one to help heal one” promotion at the largest US retailers


To date, the Vaseline Healing Project has made a significant impact:

•Campaign awareness has reached 14% — an amount that is comparable to much longer established campaigns, such as the Dove Self Esteem Project.

•Website visits have surpassed 195,000

•Online donations via the kit builder exceed $13,000 – a significant sum given contributions can be made for as little as $2

•1,392,211 people in need have been treated

•Over 500 media placements across print, radio, online, and broadcast media outlets, have helped us to garner 700+MM earned impressions to date - Outlets who have covered the campaign include: The Washington Post, TIME, Forbes, USA Today, Huffington Post, The TODAY Show, Mashable, NPR, and many more

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