Cannes Lions



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Opioid addiction has become a global epidemic, with the social realities more nuanced and complex than ever before. In the USA alone between 21% to 29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them, with approximately 5% eventually transitioning to heroin. The war on drugs has criminalised addicts for generations, the opioid epidemic has the potential to affect everyone in society.

Naloxone was commonly administered via an intramuscular injection. Often these high-volume formulas and applicators are less effective than today’s innovations. Existing products on the market follow standard medical packaging and product design; following pharmaceutical regulations without the ever-important empathy of human centred design.

As a life-saving product, it demanded a design solution that was highly functional; with the two doses recommended in each pack, ensuring these stay together in the most compact and easily accessible way. But also iconic, recognisable in emergencies, and most importantly, carried with dignity.


There is no greater communication responsibility then at the point of resuscitating a life. Ventizolve is a lower volume concentrate with 2 nasal applicators, lowering the threshold to use.

The design process started with ethnographic research, delving into the social contexts, lifestyles and environmental factors of those with opioid dependency.

The challenge for the team: What is the best design solution that captures the core qualities of a lifesaving product; for some of the most vulnerable in society? That earns trust? That people will carry on them, without stigma? That is easily identifiable and easy to find? That is simple to use in a life-or-death situation?

Design is a word that too often belongs to the wealthiest and healthiest in society. An ironic reality in what design is truly for: the betterment of the human experience. Our ambition from the very start was not to compromise on Ventizolve design values.


Early feedback from distributors and users has been highly positive with the design of the product being noted for its usability and pleasing qualities. Distribution in the first month after release in Norway has far exceeded initial estimations.

The product is now being launched in the Nordic countries, and across Europe and with great interest around the world.

Additionally, Ventizolve has been used to challenge the availability and distribution of life saving drugs to no medical practitioners. Important to note Ventizolve is harmless to use with little to no risks. Humain organisations working for the rights of those with opioid dependency [Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk] are using the design solution for Ventizolve to campaign for safer communities and the rights of those marginalised due to this issue.


The resulting design follows the ergonomic viabilities, creating an iconic shape and a symbol of help. It is a pebble unit that opens in the middle, casing the recommended 2 nasal spray doses of naloxone. The solution ensures these stay together in the most compact, portable and accessible way; ease of opening was essential, as well as to ensure the applicators don’t accidentally discharge before they are needed.

The band around the unit has two key functions, it ensures the packaging can’t accidentally be popped open and its quick release acts the same as a pin on a fire extinguisher: pulling off the safety band primes you for what you are about to do.

The colour in the product addresses two functions; association with the producer to give assurance of quality and continuity, and secondly to stand out in a chaotic and/or low light environment in the case of emergency.

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