Spikes Asia

Vi Human Network Testing Network



1 Gold Spikes Asia
4 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Two erstwhile leaders, Vodafone India and Idea Cellular, merged their services to strengthen their presence in the telecom category together in 2017, giving birth to Vi.

While the intent was to improve network experiences, the overhauling integration created major network lapses which lasted for nearly 2 years. This created a lot of disappointment among people, leading to a steep drop in perception and belief in Vi, with Mumbai facing immense network irregularities.

Mumbai was an important market for the sector but also a big challenge, not just because of high density of users but also because of their heavy usage. To put things into perspective, Mumbai city has double the population of Belgium despite being 50 times smaller in size than the country.


For over 2 weeks, The Dabbawala’s partnered with our engineers to test, report, improve and certify our network. They torture tested our networks with heavy-internet-use-cases including video calling from nooks and crannies, gaming on the go in bustling local trains, streaming heavy media in basements and decrepit parking lots, checking network bars in mezzanine floors within floors, and more. At the end of it, when they shared data to help us further improve our network, which ultimately resulted in getting their stamp of approval.

To further promote the success of our campaign, we used hyperlocal outdoor, ambient media assets, geo-targeted digital display to boost awareness.


Vi needed to demonstrate its improved network experience to change the perception of Vi among non-users in Mumbai to arrest degrowth and grow subscribers. Ideally, third-party claims would have been the perfect solution, but previous industry practices were resigned to the done-to-death speed tests to determine network performance. In our search for innovative solutions to deliver compelling evidence that would challenge prejudice among non-users, we struck upon an interesting network of people who could help – The Dabbawalas, a Six-Sigma rated human network to help us test and certify our network.

Dabbawala’s are a beacon of efficiency, who traversed the skyscrapers and slums, highways and narrow lanes of Mumbai's dense, cobweb-like sprawl every single day, to pick-up and deliver 200,000+ home-cooked meals.

So, who better than this local, recognizable analogue network known for its efficiency, to work as social proof and certify our improved network experience?


To create awareness for our ‘Human Network Tests Telecom Network’ campaign, we relied on regional Mumbai focused TV promotions, as well as social platforms YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to boost awareness and engagement for the brand.

We also used organic and paid social media posts to further boost our reach for our initiative.

This campaign flipped the narrative and created a new, innovative social proof – an analog (human) network famous the world over for their efficiency, testing a digital network in the ultimate social proof.


And as a result of the campaign,

Vi’s Network Quality Perception took a massive boost.

“Is a fast and reliable network” perception grew by 500 BPS.

“Has good network coverage” perception grew by 500 BPS.

“Provides consistent internet connectivity” perception grew by 400 BPS.

Improved positive social sentiment for the brand by 32%.

Not only did Vi arrest decline in consideration amongst competition users but it grew by 400 BPS.

66% more incremental port-ins from competition in Mumbai which included, 4 Mn incremental ULD recharges and 2 Mn incremental first recharges.

The campaign also received a whopping 42.6 million views across platforms.

A mammoth 5,900+ conversations and 206,300+ engagement across platforms

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