Cannes Lions



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VIER is one of the smaller Belgian tv channels. In order to snatch some market share of the bigger market players, they count on low-budget, clever activation campaigns. VIER has a well-educated audience. To announce the new thriller series ‘Stalker’ VIER wanted to make its audience discuss the première and have them spreading the word via social media. The Stalker-campaign managed to do this, it activated the target audience and made them talk about the campaign and had them actively sharing it on social media like twitter, facebook and instagram. Without having a twitter-account of his own, ‘Stalker‘ organically generated around 27,600 Twitter impressions, thanks to the audience of VIER.


LinkedIn is known as a business network. It also has a creepy side: the ‘who’s viewed your profile’ feature.

We created a fictional LinkedIn profile for ‘Stalker’ and stalked as many people as possible, by viewing their profile. All those people received a notification that a certain 'Stalker' had viewed their profile.

When the victims had a look back at the profile of Stalker they found the broadcast info, an exclusive trailer and some personal yet very disturbing details.

LinkedIn removed the ‘Stalker’-profile, but we created more profiles and kept on creating new profiles each time LinkedIn kicked us off.


The ‘Stalker-viewed your profile’-campaign was meant as word-of-mouth as a direct marketing approach on top of the classic bannering in the papers. ‘Stalker’ viewed about 12,000 different LinkedIn profiles. 63% got curious and viewed Stalker’s profile in return. Without having a Twitter account of his own, ‘Stalker’ organically generated around 27,600 Twitter impressions. 'Stalker' had a market share of 17,3% on the Flemish Belgian television which is 2,9% higher than the average program on VIER.

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