Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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VO5 Extreme Style wanted to be part of the hair styling conversation with 14-24 year old males. However, this audience's high use of smartphones, their low attention span and their embarrassment at openly discussing hair styling made this difficult.

Knowing that our audience would never share serious hair styling advice, VO5 Extreme Style created 'Village Your Hair' - an iAd allowing users to take a

photo of themselves, superimpose an uncool, villagey hairstyle and then

Twitpic their new look. The experience allowed our audience to engage with the content and gave them something with social cache to share.

In the first ever use of the camera function in an iAd, users could take a

photo of themselves. This was superimposed into a ridiculously rural,

village setting. To make the image as believable as possible, users could

rotate and resize the image as well as adjust warmth and brightness.

Users could then shake to choose between uncool, villagey hairstyles before

getting the villagers' approval. The image could then be Twitpiced, in

another first for an iAd.

Users could also try out cooler, more urban hairstyles on themselves and

watch village-themed style demos on how to get the look with the help of

VO5 Extreme Style products.

Mobile banners asking users to 'give yourself village hair' were highly

targeted by iTunes data points, engaging a challenging audience by

delivering content directly to their handsets.

This was one of the most successful iAds ever, with 1.3m unique

visitors and 50,000 users interacting with the 'Village Your Hair' functionality.

With an average dwell time of 70" and an average of 7 page views, it had a 57% higher engagement than the benchmark for an iAd campaign (Source: Apple).

Info for the Jury: to view the iAd, please download iAd Gallery from the App Store and search for Unilever VO5 Extreme Style.

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