Cannes Lions

Virgin America Seat View

ELEVEN, San Francisco / VIRGIN / 2016

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Demo Film






We let people test-drive their seats before booking their next flight. Thanks to a partnership between Virgin America and Google, Street View became the perfect technology to capture a 360-degree view of the inside of the aircraft. We called it Virgin America Seat View, an interactive campaign that allows people to move down the aisle of our Airbus A320 to take in the onboard experience all around them.


Consumers were transported to Virgin America Seat View in a few ways. Nationwide, we used digital banners to allow an online immersive experience. These banners also led consumers to our Seat View landing page. We even had Seat View embedded in Google Street View so people could explore our plane’s interior by searching any airport that Virgin America serves. No matter how you entered Seat View, you were welcomed into the mood-lit cabin that Virgin America is famous for. From there you could wander the exclusive First Class cabin and its one-of-a-kind features. You could then head down the aisle through Main Cabin Select and Main Cabin to check out the custom-designed seating—all equipped with in-seat power outlets and on-demand Red Entertainment System. We launched Seat View in November and it continued through the busy holiday season.



10MM earned impressions,

129MM impressions online.

Average time spent per engagement in web banner units was 10.50 minutes.

Total time spent was 53,277 minutes.

These digital banners drove 513,952 site visits– to learn about Virgin America and engage with site content and impacted 9,972 flight searches.

Total visits for increased by 13% and unique visitors increased by 15%.

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