Cannes Lions








The launch and promotion of Blue Mobility is highly organic, and social media promotion is the key for obtaining over 1 million downloads within 3 months. This is credited to the functionality of app & the fans base of Volkswagen social networks in China In terms of the functionality, the app itself is connected with a single-sign-on system, which is tailored made for China, leveraging on the most popular social networks such as Weibo, KaiXin and RenRen. With this social-integrated login system, it highly facilitates the share to SNS, and as a result, a lot of download is via the challenge invitation by friends. Secondly, Volkswagen owns the largest social media fans base in China, we have 2.6mil fans in KaiXin which provides a substantial fans base for promotion. On KaiXin, we were told by our fans that they would like to see the polar bear cartoon becoming available as a toy, we listened, and responded by making it happened. A Polar Bear soft toy was created as the incentive of our campaign, as a result, this polar bear drove a lot of downloads and registration. The ‘money-can’t-buy’ incentive is another key of our successful promotion. The result is the evidence of success, with over 1 million downloads and over 1.8 million km was driven using this app. The drivers who follow the tips from the app used around 11% less fuel. By saving fuel, that means saving money to an individual.This phenomenal success is echoed by the client, Oliver Wolter, Senior Manager Digital Marketing, Volkswagen China:“With this approach Volkswagen puts the consumer needs on number one. We hope that this mix of entertainment and personal advantage will truly engage people to ‘Think Blue.’ and have more eco-conscious behavior.The Blue Mobility In-Car App is definitely a win-win to the consumer and to Volkswagen, by promoting the awareness of ‘Think Blue.’, consumers understand our brand better, and they also save fuel cost as a result. But of course, our world is our ultimate winner.”

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